Emporio Baldessin

Canonical Diversifications

Baldessin.co 2025 » Bikramism » Pulling is the Object of Stretching

Pulling is the Object of Stretching

Despite hearing and preaching this particular mantra for over a decade, and understanding its ramifications on a theoretical level, it took the form of a very slow and reluctant realisation. Conceptually, “pulling is the object of stretching” suggests that unlike passive stretching, effective stretching occurs when opposite muscles are activated, providing increased length to the targeted muscles. Just stretching doesn’t last, whereas pulling to stretch provides increased, sustainable mobility. The general public tends to practice yoga because they feel the need to stretch – so when we’re instructed to tense up the muscles, stay straight, pull hard, stiffen and tighten, we are immediately dubious. But once we actually feel the effects of tensing and stiffening on our subsequent mobility, our perspective eventually changes.